Best Mortgage Rate
Banks, other financial institutes including Credit Unions can help to arrange the financing for your property. Be ready to negotiate a current market rate with your financial institute. Under this link find a current best mortgage rates in Canada provided by QuestTrade.
Mortgage Calculator
How Much Can you Afford? Answer on it and others questions from Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).
Why do I need Title Insurance?
Find all about Title insurance at First Canadian Title web site.
Home Buyers Plan (HBP)
The Home Buyers Plan (HBP) allows first time home buyers to withdraw up to $25,000 from their RRSP for the purpose of buying or building a qualifying home. Couples will be able to withdraw up to $50,000.
How Much Does CMHC Mortgage Loan Insurance Cost?
If you have less then 20% down payment then mortgage Loan Insurance is mandatory for you.
Ontario Land Transfer Tax
Every person obtaining an interest in land is liable to land transfer tax. Find land transfer tax rate and others details here.
Toronto Land Transfer Tax
On October 22, 2007, Toronto City Council approved a new land transfer tax which takes effect on February 1, 2008. Click here to find details.